Here is an ABC book I made for my niece. It is such a picture heavy project that I split the posting up into two parts. I used many, many cartridges for this project. And it is a very simple pages, the cuts are arranged so I could label everything. I will list each cartridge used on the page under each picture, except for the letters used on each page were from the Mickey and Pooh Font Cartridges. I couldn't label every cartridge used! LOL

After I completed making all the pages, I then laminated them and used the Your Story to bind them into a book. I took pictures of the pages before they were laminated. The lamination wasn't the best on the pages, as there were so many layers and levels to the surface of the page, but since this was a book for a one year old, I wanted it to hold up to a kids love. For the cover, I adhered my cut with ModPodge and then went over the cuts again, sealing them on to the cover. That has held up quite well.

Cartridge used: Create a Critter

Cartridges used: Locker Talk, Create a Critter, Simply Charmed

Cartridges used: Create a Critter, Simply Charmed

Cartridges used: Twinkle Toes, Create a Critter

Cartridges used: Sesame Street Friends, Create a Critter, From My Kitchen

Cartridges used: Simply Charmed, Create a Critter

Cartridges used: From My Kitchen, Create a Critter, Old West

Cartridges used: Create a Critter, Simply Charmed

Cartridges used: Create a Critter, Simply Charmed, Rock Princess, ZooBalloo, 50 States

Cartridges used: Doodlecharms, Create a Critter

Cartridges used: Love Struck, Create a Critter, Happily Ever After

Cartridges used: Create a Critter, Paisley